Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Investment Banking in the Cloud

On a recent flight home after our meeting with a large bank, I started reflecting on how the conversations about cloud computing with clients have changed over the last 12 to 24 months. 
In 2012 and 2013, a lot of the conversations where focused on “what is cloud computing,” “help us build a cloud strategy” or “how do we automate our infrastructure.” As we near the end of 2014 these conversations have changed drastically. Most progressive enterprises are knowledgeable about all of the different cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS), have researched the major vendors, have started executing on their cloud strategy, and have become experts at managing the IaaS layer. The focus now appears to be moving up the stack towards the application layer.

2015: The year of cloud applications

Many enterprises have already laid the basic foundation work for their clouds and we’re seeing a mixture of private and public clouds being implemented with a high level of automation at the infrastructure layer. Enterprises have invested a lot of time into implementing guardrails around their clouds so that developers can consume the cloud services in a secure and compliant manner. The “build it” part of the “build it and they will come” strategy is complete, now it is time to get the applications and the developers to join the party. I believe that 2015 will be the coming out party for PaaS. It remains to be seen if enterprises will buy into pure PaaS platforms, leverage PaaS capabilities via an IaaS provider, or roll their own by leveraging a collection of tools like Docker. I believe the answer is all of the above. Almost every account I go into, the client is either evaluating PaaS or doing a proof of concept with one or more PaaS platforms and their interest is far greater now than it was at the end of 2013.
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DevOps is taking enterprises by storm
At the beginning of 2014, DevOps was not even in the vocabulary of many of our enterprise clients. Around mid-summer, we started seeing interest in DevOps, and now DevOps is front and center in almost every conversation. I am not sure what triggered the heightened interest, but DevOps is definitely on the CxO’s wish list right now. DevOps is where cloud was back in 2012. Most of our conversations are “what is DevOps?,” “Help us put together a strategy,” “how can we implement continuous integration and continuous delivery?,” “what tools do we need?”. Many clients have already started their DevOps journey but are not seeing the results they expected. I attribute the struggles to the following reasons:
  • IT focused solely on technology and skipped the people and process part
  • IT pushed operations to development without providing proper tools and service design
  • The current SDLC and service management creates too many bottlenecks
  • Current solutions work for a team of pioneers but do not scale organizationally
In 2015, these organizations will need to re-evaluate their SDLC and operations processes and figure out how to streamline processes and remove waste. We worked with one client to automate a lot of the manual gates in their ITIL processes so that the process still ensured high quality and reliability, but did not get in the way of rapidly deploying software. It is time for enterprises to move beyond the technology and reassess their organizational structures and operating models if they want to see the promised land that DevOps strives for: Speed to market with quality and reliability.
IT is becoming a cloud service provider
Another common theme I see is that the CxOs understand the value proposition of the cloud but they also realize that if they don’t govern it they will be repeating the sins of the past. If you go into any large organization today you will see chaos everywhere. Most technologies have been implemented with little to no consistency. This creates a lot of waste and makes it extremely difficult to make changes that allow applications to interact with each other. CxOs are taking these lessons learned and are building their own guardrails around the third party cloud solutions to offer their own flavor of cloud to their developers. To say it another way, they are becoming the AWS of their company. These organizations are creating cloud teams who pick cloud solutions, be it AWS, OpenStack, VMWare, etc., and wrap them in their own layer of abstraction in order to enforce the cloud principles that are important to them. This is extremely common in health care and financial services institutions.
From what I have seen, enterprises have made a lot of progress with this model from the technology standpoint but are struggling with the operating model. Becoming a service provider is a radical change from running a datacenter. In 2015, enterprises will have to put more focus on the people and process aspects of this transformational change
Enterprises have made a lot of progress with their cloud initiatives throughout 2014. I am impressed with how far the industry has come in just the last 12 months. The problem I see is that while enterprises have made great advancements with the technology, they are hitting walls with the people and process part of the equation. 
CxOs who have invested heavily in private and hybrid cloud infrastructures are going to be focusing heavily on getting more applications deployed to justify those investments over the last two years. 2015 is going to be a make or break year for many enterprise cloud initiatives. Enjoy your time off in this holiday season because the real hard battles start next January. Make sure those IT budgets have some big line items for organizational and process transformation.

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